The metabolomics infrastructure presents a whole setup of advanced and complementary technologies for mass-spectrometry and other services, providing high data quality and versatile packages for metabolic profiling to suit your needs.

Mass-spectrometry is a well-established technology for studying metabolic changes by detecting the metabolites related to the physio-pathological state of the cell, tissue, or organism within the context of the environmental condition, genetic regulation, altered kinetic activity of enzymes, and changes in metabolic reactions.

Metabolomics profiling identifies thousands of metabolites generated by the enzymatic reactions of specific pathways, providing a snapshot of cell activity such as cell signaling, energy transfer, and cell-to-cell communication. Alternative metabolic pathways due to environmental adaptation or acquired drug resistance may be identified using labeled substrates (stable isotope tracers).

Metabolomics has multiple applications, from novel mechanisms and new biomarkers discovery to food, nutrition, human and animal health, and clinics. Our team of researchers will help you design the strategy to adopt the best approach for your research. Our technology platform can serve multiple industries, including biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, animal husbandry, nutrition, and other fields.


Our metabolomics infrastructure offers untargeted, targeted, and targeted labeling (with tracer molecules) analysis using gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) detectors.


The High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) of the 1290 Infinity series and the combined Q-TOF 6550 mass spectrometer permit a metabolite detection sensitivity of a few femtograms. The system allows untargeted and stable isotope labeling metabolomic analyses for a wide spectrum of samples and metabolites. 

Instrument 1

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Instrument 1

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Intuvo 9000 gas chromatography system paired with MSD Inert Plus 5977B mass spectrometer. The system allows small molecules quantification through the Single Ion Monitoring method as well as labeling analyses using stable isotopes. 
Ion Mobility UHPLC/Q-TOF MS
The HPLC system is coupled to the 6560 Ion Mobility (IM) Q-TOF LC/MS mass spectrometer, which includes a new dimension of separation of molecular species in the ion mobility phase. Ion mobility mass spectrometry allows you to create a more complete profile of metabolomic samples, providing access to new information that is difficult to gain from other MS systems, such as isomers identification or chiral molecules. 
The 7890B Gas Chromatography System combined with the 7250 Q-TOF spectrometer enables robust untargeted metabolomic and structural analyses of small polar and nonpolar molecules. 
The 6495D triple quadrupole LC/MS system allows the quantitative analysis of known compounds thanks to Multiple Reaction Monitoring technology. The system is used for targeted analyzes with high sensitivity and specificity. 
SeaHorse XF24 Analyzer 
The Seahorse XF24 is a cellular bioenergetics analyzer that measures cell lines' oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and the extracellular acidification rate (ECAR). 
YSI 2950 Biochemistry Analyzer 
Fluid analyzer with biosensor technology that uses enzymes' intrinsic specificity to rapidly measure the following substances simultaneously: Glucose, Lactate, Glutamine, and Glutamate. 
TapeStation 4150 
The TapeStation 4150 system is an automated electrophoresis platform for quality control of nucleic acid samples. It allows DNA and RNA sample analysis. 
SureScan Microarray Scanner 
The SureScan Microarray instrument allows the measurement of fluorescence intensity of one or two dyes bound to a sample of labeled DNA or RNA bound to the microarray for genomic and transcriptomic analyses. 

Price List

LC-Q-TOF Untargeted Profiling

SAMPLE PREPARATION and data collection! No data analysis: results are raw data for sample
  • Ammortamento HW + Canoni di manutenzione: € 33,56
  • Costi generali (energia + consumabili generici): € 20,00
  • Consumabili (al costo): € 15,00
  • Risorse Umane (Ricercatore/Tecnologo III Liv.) pari a € 33,00/h
  • Costi di Gestione (oneri quelli 15% dei costi da A a C: € 15,38

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